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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:14
标签: 转基因 小鼠

摘要:1、 选取7~8周龄雌性小鼠,阴道口封闭,作为供体,下午3:00左右,每只小鼠腹腔注射PMSG(10 IU)。 2、 47~48小时后,每只小鼠腹腔注射HCG(0.8 IU),并与正常公鼠合笼;另取数只适龄母鼠(2月龄以上)作为受体,阴道口潮红,与结扎公[阅读全文:]

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Gene Targeting Outline
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:14
标签: Gene Targeting

摘要:1. Introduction. This is a brief outline of the steps necessary to produce mice with a mutation targeted to a specific gene. These animals are referred to as "knock-out" mice or "gene targeted" mice. [阅读全文:]

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Gene Knockout Techniques(2) Poison Primer Technique
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:14
标签: Gene Knockout Poison Primer

摘要:Introduction PCR protocols to detect rare deletions in DNA from complex populations of mutagenized worms typically depend on a large size differential between the wild-type product and the deletion pr[阅读全文:]

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Gene Knockout Techniques(3) Standard Screening PCR
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:14
标签: Gene Knockout Standard Screening PCR

摘要:10 ul reactions, amounts per reaction Make MM for 1 extra reaction every 6 *We use parameters that let us see the wild-type product. 30-second extension time generally is adequate for products up to 1[阅读全文:]

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TSA Treatment of Mammalian Cells (PROT09)
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:14
标签: TSA Treatment Mammalian Cells

摘要:IntroductionProlonged treatment of proliferating mammalian cells with low doses of a histone deacetylase inhibitor, trichostatin A, specifically affects pericentric heterochromatin. Relocation of thes[阅读全文:]

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Electroporation of Murine Embryonic Stem Cells: A Step-by-Step Guide
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:14
标签: Embryonic stem cells Mouse Electroporation Homologous recombination

摘要:The manipulation of embryonic stem (ES) cells to generate targeted mutations via homologous recombination has proved an invaluable resource for researchers from fields as diverse as embryology, immuno[阅读全文:]

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Timeline for Transgenic Mouse Analysis
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:14
标签: timeline transgenic mouse


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Isolation of linearized BAC DNA for microinjection to produce transgenic animals
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:14
标签: Transgene Mice DNA Preparation

摘要:完整的实验方法请点击下面的链接下载: 02 Isolation of linearized BAC DNA for microinjection to produce transgenic animals.pdf[阅读全文:]

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Preparation of Microinjection Buffer
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:14
标签: Transgene Mice DNA Preparation

摘要:Buffer composition is 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 0.1 mM EDTA, 30 microM spermine, 70 microM spermidine, 100 mM NaCl. This buffer is more likely to produce transgenic mice with intact, unfragmented DNA mo[阅读全文:]

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Isolation of YAC DNA for microinjection to produce transgenic animals
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:14
标签: Transgene Mice DNA Preparation

摘要:完整的实验方法请点击下面的链接下载:04 Isolation of YAC DNA for microinjection to produce transgenic animals.pdf[阅读全文:]

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