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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:13
标签: Transgene Mice Transgenic Identification

摘要:完整的实验方法请点击下面的链接下载:11 LacZ Cell Staining and β-galactosidase Embryo Staining.pdf [阅读全文:]

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Mitotic chromosomes from mouse peripheral blood
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:13
标签: Transgene Mice Transgenic Identification

摘要:完整的实验方法请点击下面的链接下载:12 Mitotic chromosomes from mouse peripheral blood.pdf[阅读全文:]

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Microinjection of fertilized oocytes to produce transgenic animals
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:13
标签: Transgene Mice Embryo Transfer

摘要:完整的实验方法请点击下面的链接下载:05 Microinjection of fertilized oocytes to produce transgenic animals.pdf[阅读全文:]

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Alizarin Red S (Bone) and Alcian Blue (Cartilage) Staining of Cleared Skeletons
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:13
标签: Transgene Mice Embryo Transfer

摘要:This method works well for 17.5 day mouse embryos. All stains should be made up fresh. Fix embryos in 90% ethanol for at least 1 week, longer if possible. Prior to staining remove skin, and viscera, p[阅读全文:]

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Aggregation of ES Cells and Eight Cell Stage Embryos
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:13
标签: Transgene Mice Embryo Transfer

摘要:The aggregation method for generating chimaeras, as opposed to the microinjection technique, is useful as it does not require expensive microinjection apparatus or sophisticated manipulative skills, a[阅读全文:]

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b-Gal Staining of Murine Embryos
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:13
标签: Transgene Mice Embryo Transfer

摘要:SolutionsFixtive using fix buffer to make 0.2% Glutaraldehyde fixative, eg: add 0.2ml 25% Glutaraldehyde (EM grade) into 24.8ml fixing buffer. (fresh make every time) For E10 - E12 embryoDisclaimer: T[阅读全文:]

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Blastocyst Transfer
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:13
标签: Transgene Mice Embryo Transfer

摘要:Blastocyst transfer is usually performed 24 hours after aggregation when the morulae have become expanded blastocysts and on the same day as injection. A little time is given between injection and tra[阅读全文:]

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Collection of Morulae and Earlier
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:13
标签: Transgene Mice Embryo Transfer

摘要:Before you start, have ready the following: - Sterilize 2 pairs of curved forceps, 1 pair of iris scissors and 2 pairs of fine watchmaker forceps. - 6ml syringe filled with DMEM with HEPES, with an 18[阅读全文:]

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Flushing Out of Blastocysts
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:13
标签: Transgene Mice Embryo Transfer

摘要:Pre-sterilize two pairs of fine forceps, one pair iris scissors and one blunt-ended 23 gauge needle. Take 3.5 day pregnant mouse, kill and dissect out entire uterus using sterile technique. Place uter[阅读全文:]

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Harvesting of Cells for Blastocyst Injection
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:13
标签: Transgene Mice Embryo Transfer

摘要:Culture should be 2 days old and colonies should be of medium to large size. This is important as cells need to be in log growth phase. Two small (25cm2) flasks are required, one is harvested in morni[阅读全文:]

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