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Preparing Overnight Bacterial Culture

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  1. Sterile LB medium (Luria-Bertani Medium) with or without antibiotic:
    • water 500 ml
    • bacto-tryptone 10 g
    • bacto-yeast extracts 5 g
    • sodium chloride 10 g
    • stir to dissolve
    • pH to 7.0
    • autoclave to sterilize
    • cool to 50-60 degrees C
    • add antibiotic if needed
  2. Agar plate with bacterial colonies:
    • scrape bacteria glycerol stock such as E coli DH5 (LifeTechnologies) or scratch a single colonies from an old agar plate with bacteria colonies that has been stored at 4 degrees C.
    • streak onto an agar plate with or without antibiotic
    • incubate the plate inverted overnight at 37 degrees C
  3. Shaker at 37 degrees C
    • Scratch a single colony from the agar plate with bacterial colonies using a sterile small micropipetter tip (use a flamed forceps to hold the tip).
    • Drop the tip in 2.5 ml of LB with or without antibiotics and shake at about 200 rpm for 4-8 hours at 37 degrees C.
    • Use 0.5 ml of this bacteria culture to inoculate 100 ml of LB with antibiotics.
    • Shake at about 200 rpm overnight at 37 degrees C.



  1. Culture turns from transparent to cloudy after overnight growth. The overnight culture can be stored at 4 degrees C for several days while preserving the plasmid DNA integrity.


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