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Gene Knockout Techniques(3) Standard Screening PCR

标签: Gene Knockout Standard Screening PCR

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10 ul reactions, amounts per reaction

Make MM for 1 extra reaction every 6

*We use parameters that let us see the wild-type product. 30-second extension time generally is adequate for products up to 1.2 kb. Use 60 seconds for products up to about 2.4 kb, and 90 or 120 seconds for larger products. In some cases these times will prove unsatisfactory, and you will want to adjust them up or down.

25 ul reactions, amounts per reaction

Make MM for 1 extra reaction every 6

*We use parameters that let us see the wild-type product. 30-second extension time generally is adequate for products up to 1.2 kb. Use 60 seconds for products up to about 2.4 kb, and 90 or 120 seconds for larger products. In some cases these times will prove unsatisfactory, and you will want to adjust them up or down.


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