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Mouse Tail (or organ) Biopsy DNA Extraction

标签: Transgene Mice Transgenic Identification Mouse Tail DNA Extraction

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1.Cut 1/2" - 3/4" of mouse tail. (Check with your institution's Animal Studies Committee for their recommendations as to how this procedure should be implemented).

2.Add tail fragment (or tissue of the same size) directly to 500 ul of extraction buffer and add 50 ul of Proteinase K.

3.Incubate overnight at 52o-55oC.

4.Add 500 ul of Tris pH 8.0 equilibrated phenol. Mix vigorously, spin (12,000-14,000 RPM) at room temperature for 2 minutes.

5.emove aqueous phase to a fresh tube.

6.To the aqueous phase add an equal volume of Chloroform / Isoamyl Alcohol (49:1). Mix vigorously. Spin at room temperature for 2 minutes. Remove aqueous phase to a fresh tube.

7.To the aqueous phase add 250 ul 7.5M NH4OAc and 750 ul isopropanol. Mix well. Spin at room temperature for 5 minutes. Wash the pellet once with 70% ethanol.

8.Dry the pellet using a speedvac.

9.Resuspend the DNA in 400 ul 1X TE; add 2 ul RNAse A (10 mg / ml) and incubate overnight at 37oC.

10.Store at 4oC. Cut 100 ul (approximately 10 ug).


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上一篇Vasectomy of Male Mice 下一篇Preparation of Microinjection Buffer




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