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Extraction and PCR Analyis of DNA from Mice Tails

标签: PCR Analyis DNA extraction

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Place numbered Eppendorf tubes in dry ice.

Cut 0.5cm from end of tails and place in tubes.Store at -80℃ until analyzed.

Add 0.3ml of STE/PK solution to the Eppendorf tubes.

Incubate at 55℃ overnight with rocking or for several hours with occasional mild vortexing every 15min.

Add 2µl 10mg/ml RNase A solution.

Mix by mild vortexing and incubate 37℃ for 30min.

Cool to room temperature.Vortex 20s and spin for 5min.

Save supernatant (if pellet not visible,repeat previous step)and add 0.3ml isopropanol (2-propanol).Mix by inverting tube 20 times.

Centrifuge for 5min.Discard supernatant.Rinse pellet with 0.3ml 70% EtOH.Spin briefly and pipette off remainder of EtOH.

Let air-dry for 30min,and add 50μl TE.Leave at room temperature overnight or heat for 1hour at 65℃ to dissolve.

Optional: measure OD260 and use about 8µg DNA per lane if performing Southern analysis.

For PCR analysis,run thermocycler at (95℃x1min,63℃x1min,72℃x1min)x30; 72℃x5min; 4℃ end for,say,19-22-mer primer pairs that are less than 600 bases apart or (95℃x1min,72℃x3-4min)x40; 72℃x10min; 4℃ end for,say,48-mer primer pairs that are greater than 1500 bases apart.For the latter conditions,if DNA polymerase is added with a hot start,replenish the enzyme after about 1 hr.


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上一篇Sequencing of BAC DNA--BAC DNA测序 下一篇用氯化钙制备新鲜的大肠杆菌感受态细胞方法




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