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Indirect ELISA
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-08 01:15
标签: Indirect ELISA

摘要:The indirect ELISA is used primarily to determine the strength and/or amount of antibody response in a sample, whether it is from the serum of an immunized animal or the cell supernatant from growing [阅读全文:]

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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-08 01:15

摘要:The ELISA protocols for detection of the antibody binding to an antigen-coated microtitre plate are standard laboratory techniques and will not be described here. We will just mention that most recomb[阅读全文:]

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ELISA with platelets
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-08 01:15
标签: ELISA platelets

摘要:This modification of qualitative ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) is used for either screening detection of anti-platelet antibodies or for detection of platelet-associated Ig (PAIg) (shown h[阅读全文:]

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Gangliosides ELISA protocol
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-08 01:15
标签: Gangliosides ELISA protocol

摘要:A. AbstractThis protocol can be used for detection of gangliosides.Spicific antibodies to gangliosides are added to cells and allowed to bind to the cell surface. The nonbound antibody is washed away [阅读全文:]

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Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) for NGF
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-08 01:15
标签: Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay ELISA for NGF

摘要:A. DAY 1 PROCEDURE??ABSORPTION OF THE POLYCLONAL AND PREIMMUNE SERUMThe Goat Anti-Mouse (GAM) NGF polyclonal antibody recognizes 2.5B NGF and the Goat IgG (GIG) preimmune serum serves as a control for[阅读全文:]

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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-08 01:15
标签: ELISA 测定 疫苗 抗体 实验设计

摘要:1、Q: 要测定打疫苗三次的抗体的变化,当ELISA标化后,是不是要用同一个抗原的包被浓度,同一个血清的稀释度,然后看OD值的变化?实验动物有多个,实验数据又如何处理呢?A: nanwxd网友观点:关于是不是要用同一个抗原的包被[阅读全文:]

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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-08 01:15
标签: ELISA 测定 错误结果 原因 分析

摘要:ELISA即酶联免疫吸附试验,是一种常用的固相酶免疫测定方法。Engvall 和Perlmann于1971年最先应用该法进行了IgG定量测定,并命名为"enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)"。ELISA的基本原理是:①使抗原(或抗体)结合[阅读全文:]

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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-08 01:15
标签: 标本 收集 保存


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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-08 01:15
标签: 双抗夹心法 竞争法 ELISA 拟和曲线

摘要:一、双抗夹心法拟和曲线打开EXCEL软件;在工作表中输入第一行: 浓度值, 如0 10 50 100 400 输入第二行:该浓度下的调整後的od值,如0 0.586 1.397 1.997 3.42 选择这些输入的数据,用插入里的图表按钮,进入图表向导,在&ld[阅读全文:]

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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-08 01:15
标签: 肝癌标志物 体外检测 方法

摘要:国内目前做肝癌检测试剂盒的公司很多,多数选择AFP.CEA.血清γ—GTⅡ但是这些检测项目和肝癌的相关性不是很高,目前还需要新的,特异性的标志物的出现!1. AFPAFP是当前诊断肝细胞癌最特异的标志物。AFP是胎儿时[阅读全文:]

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