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Promega公司的DeadEnd™比色法细胞凋亡检测系统能标记片断化的DNA,而这种片段化的DNA被视为是细胞凋亡的典型生化特征之一。DeadEnd™比色法细胞凋亡检测系统是一种在组织切片与培养细胞中标记凋亡细胞核的理想方法,与此同时,还可以做形态学上的评估。本文中,将展示此种方法在细胞凋亡的原位细胞, 动物模型及多种病理学组织切片中的应用。




Apoptosis is of Greek origin meaning "falling off". The term is used in an analogy to the apparent suicide of leaves resulting in the very visible colour changes associated with the Autumn/Fall and that eventually leads to the leaves falling from the trees. Similiarly, cells go through a preordained sequence of events resulting in death and removal from the body.

Apoptosis is a regimented sequence of events, with each act being executed in a timed fashion. Its orderliness is often referred to as the "dance of death". Microscopic examination of the cell reveals that there are events occurring both externally and internally that can be listed as follows:


Shrinkage or loss of volume of the cell

Blebbing on the surface of the cell

Externalisation of a phospholipids termed phosphatidylserine


Condensation of cytoplasm

Breakdown in mitochondria integrity with the subsequent release of apoptosis inducing factors such as cytochrome c

Activation of caspases

Degradation of chromosomal DNA into 180-bp internuclosomal fragments

Degradation of a large number of proteins (>100) thought to be important in the cell survival and metabolism


Two human tumour cells, one normal (left) and the second (right) undergoing apoptosis following exposure to cytotoxic drugs




What happens during apoptosis?

To kill itself, a cell first makes a deadly chemical cocktail. It then separates itself from its neighbours, and unleashes the poisons. These include a substance that chews up the DNA in the cell nucleus, and a 'glue' that binds the inside of the cell together. Within a few hours, the cell shrinks, breaks up and is engulfed by other cells.

A cancer cell (mauve) undergoing apoptosis.

Dr Andrejs Liepins/Science Photo Library


Apoptotic human keratinocytes that were fixed with paraformaldehyde and stained with fluorescein concanavalin A (C827). The cells were subsequently permeabilized with acetone, stained with propidium iodide (P1304, P3566, P21493) and visualized by confocal laser-scanning microscopy. This photomicrograph clearly shows that the green-fluorescent lectin staining outlines the apoptotic surface blebs, whereas the red-fluorescent propidium iodide stains the interior of the blebs. Image contributed by Livia Casciola-Rosen and Antony Rose, Johns Hopkins University. Reproduced from by copyright permission of the Rockefeller University Press.



Apoptosis induced in Jurkat cells with 10 µM camptothecin. The cells were then treated with the reagents in the Vybrant Apoptosis Assay Kit #4 (V13243). Apoptotic cell nuclei were labeled with YO-PRO-1 dye (green) (Y3603). Necrotic cells were detected with propidium iodide (red)

10 µM喜树碱诱导的Jurkat cells(慢淋。G1检测点缺陷细胞) 凋亡。细胞然后经 Vybrant Apoptosis Assay Kit #4 (V13243).处理。凋亡细胞核被YO-PRO-1绿染,坏死细胞被pi红染。


Jurkat human T-cell leukemia cells treated with 1 µM camptothecin. The externalized phosphatidylserine, a characteristic of early-stage apoptotic cells, was detected with Alexa Fluor 488 annexin V (A13201). The late-stage apoptotic and necrotic cells were stained with propidium iodide (P1304, P3566, P21493). The image was acquired using bandpass filters appropriate for fluorescein.

Jurkat 人类白血病T细胞经1微升喜树碱处理,ps外翻,早期凋亡特异性的特征被annexin-5检测到。晚期凋亡和坏死细胞被pi染色。本图是由相应的荧光滤光片获取的。


HL-60 cells treated with camptothecin for three hours. The DNA strand nicks characteristic of apoptosis were detected with the TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase–mediated dUTP nick end-labeling) assay using the fluorescently labeled nucleotide, ChromaTide BODIPY FL-14-dUTP (C7614). Image contributed by Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz, Cancer Research Institute, New York Medical College.

HL-60 cells(急粒,p53缺陷)被喜树碱诱导3小时。DNA段端被荧光标记的脱氧核苷酸末端转移酶标记。


Detection of apoptosis in SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells. Following a six-hour exposure to hydrogen peroxide, cells were labeled with Hoechst 33342 (H1399, H3570, H21492), tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester (TMRE, T669) and rhodamine 110, bis-L-aspartic acid amide (R22122) for 15 minutes. Apoptotic cells show green cytosolic fluorescence resulting from cleavage of the rhodamine 110, bis-L-aspartic acid amide substrate by active caspase-3. The staining pattern of the Hoechst 33342 dye reveals that the majority of the rhodamine 110–positive cells also contain condensed or fragmented nuclei characteristic of apoptosis. Furthermore, the rhodamine 110–positive cells are also characterized by an absence of polarized mitochondria, as indicated by their failure to load the positively charged mitochondrial indicator TMRE. The image was contributed by A.K. Stout and J.T. Greenamyre, Emory University.





A comparison of normal and apoptotic cells.


Double label ZO-1 immunofluorescence and apoptosis staining (tissue culture cells).

Rinse coverslips 1X in PBS.

Fix in -20oC methanol for 20 minutes

Keep Coplin jars in ethanol-dry ice bath.

Wash 3X 5 minutes in PBS.

Block with 10% goat serum in PBS for 30 minutes at RT.

Incubate with primary antibody.

Rabbit polyclonal anti-ZO-1 from ZYMED, 1:200 in PBS + 10% goat serum. Incubate for 1hr at 37oC in humid chamber.

Wash 3X 20 minutes in PBS.

Postfix in 4% paraformaldehyde for 10 minutes at RT.

Use 16% methanol free paraformaldehyde from Polysciences, diluted 1:4 in 1XPBS. Best done by using 4ml 10X PBS + 1 ampoule of 16% paraformaldehyde (10ml) and adjust the volume to 40ml by DI water.

Wash in PBS 1X5 min.

Block aldehydes in 100mM glycine in 0.5X PBS (pH 8.0) for 30 min. at RT.

Wash in PBS 2X5 min.

Block with 10% goat serum in PBS for 30 minutes at RT.

Incubate with secondary antibody.

Anti-rabbit IgG-Texas red conjugate (ICN), 1:100 in PBS + 10% goat serum. Incubate for 1hr at 37oC in humid chamber.

Incubate in 0.2% Triton X-100 in PBS for 5 min. at RT.

Wash 3X 20 minutes in PBS.

Remove excess liquid by tapping the slides and touching the edge of slides to absorbent paper.

Cover cells with 100 µl equilibration buffer and a piece of parafilm, to prevent drying and to spread the buffer evenly. Incubate at RT 5-10 min.

Remove parafilm and equilibration buffer from slides and touch the edge of slides to absorbent paper.

Incubate slides with labeling mix at 37oC for 60 min. covered with parafilm.

Labeling mix for a single reaction: 45 µl equilibration buffer, 5 µl nucleotide mix and 1 µl TdT enzyme. Multiply volumes with the number of samples.

Wash slides in 2XSSC for 15 min. at RT.

Immerse slides in Hoeshct solution for 10 min. at RT (1:5000 dilution of 1mg/ml stock in PBS).

Wash slides 3 X 5 min. in PBS.

Mount slides using anti-fade from Molecular probes.

If your procedure was successful, your result should look something like this

IEC-6 rat small intestinal epithelial cells were grown on glass coverslips and processed as described above. The three individual images in the following represent pseudo-colored fluorescence micrographs of nuclear stain with Hoeshct(top ), apoptosis stain with TUNEL staining (middle) and ZO-1 indirect immunofluorescence (bottom). The last image is a digital overlay of the three individual images. Staining was prepared by Luba Adler, MS.






last one



a microscope image of a group of normal cells and one apototic cell which binds annexin (green) on the surface. Annexin is labeled with fluorescein.


In apoptosis condensation and fragmentation of chromatin occurs. Subsequently, nuclei loose their round or oval shape, bud and become fragmented - apoptotic bodies are formed

Nuclei of normal human fibroblasts in culture, in early spontaneous apoptosis.


Nuclei of normal human fibroblasts in culture, in advanced spontaneous apoptosis


Apoptosis caused in HL60 cells by camptothecin (topoisomerase inhibitor). Images of nuclei in early apoptosis.


Apoptosis caused in HL60 cells by camptothecin (topoisomerase inhibitor). Images of nuclei in mid apoptosis


Apoptosis caused in HL60 cells by camptothecin (topoisomerase inhibitor). Images of nuclei in late apoptosis


A schematic view of a nucleus in a cell undergoing apoptosis: healthy cell (top, right), early apoptosis (top, left), advanced apoptosis (bottom, right), late apoptosis (bottom, left).


Subsequent stages of the cell division cycle. Histone H2B was tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP). This made it possible to obtain fluorescence confocal microscopy images of chromatin.

Interphase nuclei


Prophase nuclei


Anaphase nuclei


Figure , which shows time-lapse microscopy images of a trophoblast cell undergoing apoptosis













(NBT : 氮蓝四唑 BCIP: 5-溴-4-氯-3-吲哚-磷酸二钠)















Human lymphoma cells treated with camptothecin for four hours and stained using the APO-BrdU TUNEL Assay Kit (A23210). Cells containing DNA strand nicks characteristic of apoptosis are detected by TUNEL and fluoresce green, while necrotic cells are stained with red-fluorescent propidium iodide.



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