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标签: RNA电泳

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RNA Gel (Crawford Lab)

Gel Electrophoresis of RNA (Beverly Faulkner-Jones)

great tips on RNA gel electrophoresis.

Northern Gel and  Transfer (gopher://iubio.bio.indiana.edu)

Using glyoxalated RNA

RNA Electrophoresis (Molecular Genetics RecLab)

RNA Electrophoresis in Denaturing Formaldehyde Gel (Molecular Genetics Rec Lab)

Formaldehyde-Agarose Gels (Beverly Faulkner-Jones)

Agarose gels have a smaller resolving power than polyacrylamide gels but a greater range of separation - from 200 bp to >50 kb using standard gels and electrophoresis equipment. RNAs up to 10 000 kb can be separated in agarose gels using pulsed field gel electrophoresis.

Denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of RNA (Beverly Faulkner-Jones)

Polyacrylamide gels have enough resolving power to separate fragments differing by only one base pair in size, but their range is ~ 5 to 1000 bp. They are much more difficult to handle than agarose gels.

Recovery of RNA fragments from polyacrylamide gels (Beverly Faulkner-Jones)

The best method is the crush and soak method. It can be sued to isolate single-stranded RNA from denaturing gels. The RNA is of high purity but the method is long and inefficient if long transcripts are to be recovered (cf. less than 30% of DNA greater than 3 kb is recovered).

Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE) of RNA (Frank Bottone)

For use withRibonuclease Protection Assay (RPA).


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