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(2)加入2ml细胞裂解液(10mM Tris HCL,pH8.0,0.1mol/L EDTA,10mmol/L NaCL,1%SDS)充分混匀,加入蛋白酶K至终浓度为0.5~1g/L、Sarkosye终浓度为0.5%,混匀裂解蛋白呈糊状。
      12000 r/min离心15分钟(室温)
      12000 r/min离心15分钟(室温)
      12000 r/min离心15分钟(室温)
(9)加入RNase A至终浓度100mg/L,37℃水浴消化1小时,消化污染的RNA。
(13)取水相,加入2倍体积预冷无水乙醇,-20℃ 1小时。
OD260值为1的溶液大约含50μg/mL DNA,故DNA的浓度(μg/mL)=OD260值×50mg/L×稀释倍数。


DNA Southern Blot回目录

限制性内切酶(RE)可裂解双链DNA,每种酶其特点是具有高度特异性的DNA裂解点和不同电离子强度的特殊反应条件。不同产品其反应条件不同,应根据说明书操作。单位(U)RE活性是在37℃ 1小时内能将1μg DNA所有特异性位点切断的酶用量。若用两种以上不同的内切酶,要注意RE的最适盐浓度,要由低向高逐级添加适量盐逐个进行DNA切割。
   10×buffer O—无盐:100mmol/L Tris HCL pH7.4
                       1mg/mL BSA
                       100mmoL/L MgCL2
                       10mmol/L DTT(二硫苏糖醇)
   10×bnffer L—低盐:缓冲液O
                       0.5mol/L Nacl
   10×bnffer H—高盐:缓冲液O
                       1.0mol/L Nacl
(2)加入2mL 10×限制酶缓冲液,根据厂家建议的盐浓度选择不同的缓冲液。
(5)加入0.5mol/L EDTA pH8.0使达到终浓度为10mmol/L终止反应。
(6)消化后的DNA直接进行琼脂糖电泳,方法同前,可用于分析或Southern Blot。
(二)Southern Blot及杂交。
  (1)变性溶液:1.5mol/L Nacl 0.5mol/L NaoH
  (2)中和溶液:200mL  20×SSC
               100mL  1mol/L HCL
               100mL  1mol/L Tris HCL pH8.0加水至500mL。
  (3)20×SSC: 在800mlH2O中溶解175.3g Nacl和88.2g柠檬酸钠,加入数滴10mol/L NaoH调pH至7.0加水至1000ml,高压消毒灭菌。
  (4)预杂交液:12.5mL  1mol K3 PO4 pH7.4
               125mL   20×SSC
               25mL    100×Denhardt'S溶液
               5mL     5mg/mL鱼精DNA
               250mL   100%去离子甲酰胺
               82.5mL   H2O(总体积为500mL)
   500mL 0.2mol/L HCL 10分钟,水洗若干次
(8)将该转移膜放在塑料袋中,加入6~10mL预杂交液,排出气泡,封口,42℃ 3小时或过夜。
(9)将标记的DNA探针煮沸5分钟,立即冷却,加入杂交液中,浓度为5×105 CPM/ML。
(10)倒去预杂交液,加入含探针的杂交液封口,42℃ 6h或过夜。
   0.25SSC,0.1%SDS,42℃ 2×15分钟,气中干燥。


Southern Blot回目录

1. Run the gel as normal. Often for genomic southerns it is desirable to run long gels (18cm) over 4-6hrs.
2. Photograph the gel with a ruler adjacent to the molecular weight markers as a reference.
3. Alkali transfer buffer = 0.5M NaOH (20g/lt), 1.5M NaCl (87.66 g/lt). Prepare 1 litre for one gel and another 750ml for each additional gel. BEWARE This buffer is very dangerous, capable of causing severe eye damage. Use the large volumes involved in this procedure with care and wear protective glasses.
4. Add the gel to 250ml alkali transfer buffer, plus 125ml for each additional gel.
5. Place gel on rocker with buffer solution for 20 mins. NOTE low % agarose gels must be agitated slowly to prevent tearing.
6. Keep remaining 500ml for the transfer tank.
Wear gloves for the following steps
7. Cut 2 pieces of large 3MM paper (wicks) and 2 pieces about 2mm smaller than the gel on each edge and one piece of nylon (Hybond N+, Amersham) the same size as the gel.
Large gel (HFI) Medium gel Mini gel
2 (14 x 19 cm) 2 (15.2 x 10) 2 (9 x 5.2)
2 (14 x 32cm) 2 (15.2 x 32) 2 (18.5 x 5.2)
Cut a stack of paper toweling about 2mm smaller than the gel. The stack needs to be about 6cm thick.
8. Prewet nylon in DDW, then soak in alkali transfer buffer.
9. Add buffer to transfer tank to the level of the platform. Wet the long wicks in transfer buffer and place in the tank.
10. Place gel on platform and spoon on transfer buffer. Add the Nylon and smooth out any bubbles with the back of your finger.
11. Add the 2 slightly smaller 3MM filters, the first prewetted, the second dry.
12. Add the stack of paper towels. NOTE it is very important that the edges of the towel do not touch the wicks that the gel is sitting on or the transfer will be " shortcircuited".
13. Top the stack with a glass or plastic plate and a weight (a bottle with about 200-300ml H2O is ideal). Too much weight compresses the gel and terminates the transfer early.
14. Allow to transfer o/n and then remove the stack carefully. Mark the position of the wells on the filter with a biro (and note position of well #1) before removing the filter. Soak the filter in 0.5M Tris pH 7.5, 1.5M NaCl for 5min. after removal from the gel.
15. Add filter to 200ml 2 X SSC and allow to soak without agitation for 5'.
16. Remove filter and blot dry and bake at 80? for 2hr or place in autoclave for 10' when not operating but warm.
17. Prehybridize with 10ml Aqua. hyb. (Reagents), 1% SDS and 100ug/ml boiled herring sperm DNA for 20-30 minutes (cloned DNA southern) to several hrs (genomic southern).
18. Boil probe for 3' and add to 3ml of fresh hyb solution/SDS/Herring DNA. Squeeze prehyb from the bag and add probe. Seal, avoiding air bubbles and distribute the probe well. Incubate for 4-6hr+ (cloned DNA) to 16-20hr (genomic southern). Washes are performed in 2 to 0.2X SSC, 0.1% SDS depending on homology of probe to target.


五天完成Southern blot回目录

第一天 (restriction enzyme digestion)

1.取待测的genomic DNA,用二次水稀释10倍
(30μl的DNA 加270μlddH2O→ 300μl)
2.换算genomic DNA浓度(OD260),再换算取10μg所需的体积。
3.取10μg DNA,用限制酵素EcoRI、BamHI各2μl切O/N,将total体积调成400μl。(最好用1.5mL eppendorf)

第二天 (precipitation with ethanol)

1.取酵作用后的DNA 2μl run 0.8% Gel,确认DNA是否有切动。(成带状,RFLP)
    i.加入总体积1/10的3M NaOAc(40μl)
   iii.最后加入两倍体积的100% EtOH(800μl)
3.自冰箱中取出,离心13,000rpm,15 mins。
5.待水份完全蒸发,加入40μl TE buffer将DNA溶解于室温O/N。

第三天 (electrophoresis & transfer)

1. 将40μl的DNA于55℃干浴槽加热溶解十分钟,此时total体积浓缩成30μl左右。
2.等待体积浓缩之同时,制备150~170ml 1% agarose gel,倒到模子里,
3.浓缩后的DNA用loading dye(5μl)混合后,loading至well内。
4.将电源供应器之电压值调至100 ~ 150 Volt供电。(视需要而调整,常用120 Volt,跑到gel的2/3处。)
5.将跑完电泳的gel放入Denaturating solution中作用45 mins。
6.接着再将gel换到Neutralizing buffer内中和30+15 mins。
7.中和之后的gel可利用传统方法(毛细现象)或抽气法将ssDNA转渍到Hybond-N+ membrane上。
第四天 (pre-hybrid & hybridization)

1.将transfer完成的membrane用2X SSC冲洗,再用UV-light做cross-linking,放入烘箱内80℃固定2hours以上。
2.在固定的同时准备standard buffer并预温至 hybridization的温度。
3.将固定好的membrane放入预温好的pre-hybridization buffer中,于hybridization的温度中pre-hybrid半小时。
4.pre-hybrid完毕后,用合成好并Denature的probe(存在于pre-hybridization buffer)置换先前的pre-hybridization buffer,以进行hybridization overnight。(>16 hours)

第五天 (wash & detection)

2. 将membrane放入post-hybridization wash buffer-1内,于室温下wash 5 mins两次。
3.之后用post-hybridization wash buffer-2于68℃ wash 15 mins两次。
4.将wash后的membrane用detection washing buffer润湿1~5 mins
5.用30ml 1X Blocking reagent solution浸泡30-40 mins,此步骤可以延长。
6.之后用20 ml antibody solution作用30 mins。
7.接着以detection washing buffer于室温下wash 15 mins两次。
8.随后,取适量的detection buffer将membrane润湿2~5 mins。
9.接着用擦手纸由membrane背面将水吸略干,将先前配制好的CSPD solution滴在投影片上,并使之均匀的在membrane正面分布开,使其作用5 mins

Probe washing:将membrane于ddH2O中rinse,于37∘C下,用Post-detection membrane wash solution wash 15 mins两次。之后用2X SSC短暂清洗,重新用pre-hybridize之后的步骤处理


Southern Blot Protocol回目录

1) Digest genomic DNA at 37C overnight.
a) 10 g DNA with 5 Units restriction enzyme / 1 g DNA
Sample Concentration Amount to Add (L)
10 x Buffer  
b) Final volume 50 L
2) Inactivate enzyme by incubating at 65C for 15 min.
3) Add 10 L 6x loading buffer.
4) Load sample on a 0.7% TBE agarose gel (400 mL size).
5) Use 10 L 1 kb plus DNA ladder.
6) Run gel overnight at 60V.
7) Stain gel:
a) Put gel in tupperware.
b) Pour ~1 L TBE running buffer from gel box into tupperware.
c) Add 50 L ethidium bromide to TBE.
d) Shake on orbital shaker at 24-26 rpm for ~30 min.
8) Make picture of gel—take fluorescent ruler along.
9) Treat gel with 1 L of 0.25 M HCl (20.8 mL 12 M HCl in 979.2 mL ddH2O) for 20 min.  During incubation time, bromophenol blue will turn yellow (pH indicator).
• For higher molecular weight fragments it may be better to use 0.4 M HCl for up to 30 min.
10) Rinse the gel with dH2O.
11) Treat gel with Denaturing Solution (DS) twice for 20 min. each.  Use 1 L each treatment:
Denaturing Solution:
 1.5 M NaCl (330 mL 5 M NaCl)
 0.5 M NaOH (50 mL 10 M NaOH)
 620 mL dH2O
12) Equilibrate gel for 5-15 min. in Transfer Buffer (TB).  Use 1 L:
Transfer Buffer:
 1.5 M NaCl (330 mL 5 M NaCl)
 0.25 M NaOH (25 mL 10 M NaOH)
 645 mL dH2O
13) Setting up the blot (air bubbles are your enemy!):
a) Lay a TB-prewetted double layer of Whatman paper (fits size of the gel) onto the transfer tray, it should reach the buffer reservoir on both sides.
b) Put the gel flipped upside-down onto the Whatman paper, remove air bubbles from between the Whatman paper and the gel by rolling gently with a 5 or 10 mL serological pipet.
c) Stretch parafilm across three sides of tray surrounding the gel to prevent paper from wicking anywhere else but through the gel.  Parafilm should prevent paper towels, etc from touching reservoir.
d) Put a TB-prewetted nylon membrane (Hybond N+, Amersham) on the gel.
e) Put 3 layers of TB-prewetted Whatman paper on top of it.
f) Put 1 dry Whatman paper on top.
g) Put 3 layers of blotting papers (Sigma) on top of Whatman papers.
h) Pour ~1 L Transfer Buffer into tray.
i) Stretch parafilm over remaining side of tray.
j) Add ~10-20 cm layers or 2/3 of a pack of paper towels (the white ones are the better soakers).
k) Put horizontal surface on top of paper towels.  Make sure the entire thing is level.
l) Put a weight on top (an empty bottle works well).  It may be useful to cover the whole blotting tower with plastic wrap to prevent drying out (if run over the weekend).
m) The transfer time should be 12-24 hours (O/N).
n) After transfer, rinse the membrane in 2X SSC with gentle shaking for a few minutes and allow to dry completely (30-45 min).
o) UV cross-link and store between 2 sheets of Whatman paper.


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