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Far-Western Blotting
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 22:10
标签: Far-Western Blotting

摘要:Studying Protein Interactions by Far-Western Blotting Far-Western blotting was originally developed to screen protein expression libraries with 32P-labeled glutathione S-transferase (GST)-fusion prote[阅读全文]

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Far Western Protocol
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 22:10
标签: Far Western Protocol

摘要:1. Run samples out on a gel. For bacterially expressed proteins, generally 5 μl is plenty (1ml cell cμlture; cells resuspeded in 50 μl loading buffer). Run the gels (BioRad mini gels) at 195 [阅读全文]

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