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Cell Biology, 2nd ed

Thomas D. Pollard, William C. Earnshaw, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz

Publisher: Saunders

Number Of Pages: 928

Publication Date: 2007-04-18

ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1416022554

A masterful introduction to the cell biology that you need to know! This critically cclaimed text offers you a modern and unique approach to the study of cell biology. It emphasizes hat cellular structure, function, and dysfunction ultimately result from specific macromolecular interactions. You'll progress from an explanation of the "hardware" of molecules and cells o an understanding of how these structures function in the organism in both healthy and diseased states. The exquisite art program helps you to better visualize molecular structures.

Covers essential concepts in a more efficient, reader-friendly manner than most other texts on this subject.

Makes cell biology easier to understand by demonstrating how cellular structure, function, and dysfunction result from specific macromole¬cular interactions.

Progresses logically from an explanation of the "hardware" of molecules and cells to an understanding of how these structures function in the organism in both healthy and diseased states.

Helps you to visualize molecular structures and functions with over 1500 remarkable full-color illustrations that present physical structures to scale.

Explains how molecular and cellular structures evolved in different organisms.

Shows how molecular changes lead to the development of diseases through numerous Clinical Examples throughout.

Includes STUDENT CONSULT access at no additional charge, enabling you to consult the book online, anywhere you go

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