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标签: Dialysis

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Molecularpourous membrane tubing is used for desalting, protein and DNA isolation / purification. It comes in several diameters and pore sizes (for molecular weight conversions for nucleic acids see general reference ).

The brand used in M. Soares Lab is Spectra/Por produced by Spectrum Medical Industries, Inc.(60916 Terminal Annex, Los Angeles, California 90060, Phone: (213) 650-2100, (800) 634-3300), distributed by Fisher. Several molecular weight cut-offs and diameters are available. Spectrapor tubing comes either wet (ready to use) or dry.

Prior to use of dry membranes:

1.Wash 30 minutes at 60℃ in a large volume (1000x) of 2% sodium bicarbonate and 1 mM EDTA)

2.Rinse tubing thoroughly with distilled water.

3.Cool and store at 4℃ in either 1% formaldehyde, 1% sodium benzoate, or 0.1% sodium azide, deionized water, or 100% ethanol. Keep the tubing completely submersed. Uncleaned membranes can be stored at room temperature.

4.Do not autoclave . Heating over 80℃ changes the membrane characteristics (drop permeability).

5.To prevent sticking of DNA or charged proteins to the membrane, coat wet tubing inside and out with a solution of 0.05% BSA in 1 x TBE buffer.

6.The pH range for membranes is 2 - 12.


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