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Sequencing off Bacterial Genomic DNA with ABI Big Dye Terminators

标签: DNA Sequencing

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The following protocol and cycle conditions courtesy of Cheryl Heiner-ABI



Big Dye Terminator Mix* 16μl

ThermoFidelase** 1μl

Primer (18-24mer)15-30pmoles

Genomic DNA Template 3-6μg

Final Reaction Volume 40μl

Cycle Conditions:

95 degC- 5 min.initial hold

45 cycles of

95 degC- 30 sec.

55 degC- 20 sec.

60 degC- 4 min.

4 degC hold

Purify through G-50 spin columns and load under standard gel conditions

*PE-ABI #4303150 for the 1000 reaction kit

Description: TF,KIT BTD RR-1000

**Fidelty Systems Inc.(301)527-8250



Modified Bacterial Thermo-Cycle Conditions :

95 degC for 5 min.initial hold required for ThermoFidelase

Followed by 100 cycles of:

Rapid thermal ramp to 95degC

95 degC for 30 sec.

Rapid thermal ramp to 50degC

55 degC for 20 sec.

Rapid thermal ramp to 65degC

65 degC for 4 min.

or 100 cycles of:

Rapid thermal ramp to 95degC

95 degC for 30 sec.

Rapid thermal ramp to 65degC

65 degC for 5 min.

Followed by rapid thermal ramp to 4degC and hold until ready to purify through G-50 microtiter plate spin columns.

Note #1: Increasing the number of cycles from 45 to 60 to 80 and eventually to 100,almost linearly improved both the signal and read length.Increasing the annealing temperature from 50 to 55degC and the extension temperature from 60 to 65degC also improved the signal and read length but to a lesser extent than increasing the number of cycles.Because of the increased number of cycles,these incubations only should be done overnight.

Note #2: ThermoFidelase improves the signal and read length with bacterial genomic templates for all primers tested.

Note #3: Although some primers work better than others and we have no clue why,it is clear that any proposed primer should be screened against the already known sequence data for the entire know portions of the bacterial genome,as well as sequencing vector sequences.Thus,to prevent the primer from binding to multiple places on the target clone,the primer sequence should be compared to all the contigs in the target clone database.Only those primers with a homology of less than 12/20 Smith Waterman Identity elsewhere on the target clone should be used for custom primer directed sequencing.The PrimOU computer program is available from our informatics group that has been modified from the SW Medical Center's Primo program,to allow screening against multiple contigs in a phred/phrap database at various stringencies.In addition,typically we choose primers with either a G or C on their 3'end and a roughly even distribution of each of the 4 bases or a slightly higher G/C content (i.e.1-2 more G's or C's than A's or T's to shift the Tm slightly higher)

Note #4: As one increases the primer length,the annealing temp.can be increased so too can the extension temperature.We have tested 20,25,30,3 5 mers on bacterial genomic templates as well as increasing the extn temp from 60 to 65 to 72degC and the annealing temperature from 50 to 55,60,65,70degC.

Our conclusion is that:

the amount of product increases as the extension temperature is increased to 65 degrees but decreaces dramatically after that,i.e.at 70 or 72degC.

as the signal strength also increases approximately proportional to the increased primer length,but peaks at a 30 mer and then decreases with a 35 mer.


Cheryl Heiner and collegues at ABI have published a paper describing their work on sequencing directly off bacterial genomes.See:

Heiner CR,Hunkapiller KL,Chen SM,Glass JI,Chen EY

Sequencing multimegabase-template DNA with BigDye terminator chemistry

Genome Res 1998 May;8(5):557-61


Using the recently introduced BigDye terminators,large-template DNA can be directly sequenced with custom primers on automated instruments.Cycle sequencing conditions are presented to sequence DNA samples isolated from a number of microbial genomes including 750-kb Ureaplasma urealyticum,1.2-Mb Mycoplasma fermentans,2.3-Mb Streptococcus pneumoniae,and 4.6-Mb Escherichia coli.Average read lengths of >700 bp from unique primer annealing sites are often sufficient to fill final gaps in microbial genome sequencing projects without additional manipulations of template DNA.The technique can also be applied to sequence-targeted regions,thereby bypassing tedious subcloning steps.


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