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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-08 23:10
标签: BLAST 基本介绍

摘要:什么是BLAST?BLAST(Basic Local Alignment Search Tool)是一套在蛋白质数据库或DNA数据库中进行相似性比较的分析工具。BLAST程序能迅速与公开数据库进行相似性序列比较。BLAST结果中的得分是对一种对相似性的统计说明。[阅读全文]

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Blastocyst Transfer
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:14
标签: Blastocyst Transfer

摘要:Blastocyst transfer is usually performed 24 hours after aggregation when the morulae have become expanded blastocysts and on the same day as injection. A little time is given between injection and tra[阅读全文]

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Blastocyst Transfer
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:13
标签: Transgene Mice Embryo Transfer

摘要:Blastocyst transfer is usually performed 24 hours after aggregation when the morulae have become expanded blastocysts and on the same day as injection. A little time is given between injection and tra[阅读全文]

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