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ChIP Assay Protocol
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:14
标签: ChIP

摘要:Assemble the following components: •Cells,grown in 10 cm dishes •Room Temp.PBS •Cold PBS •Cold Sonication Buffer (1% SDS,10 mM EDTA,50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5)Prepare sonication buffer [阅读全文]

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ChIP Assay
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:12
标签: ChIP Assay

摘要:Formaldehyde cross-linking and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays of tissue culture cells are performed as described by Boyd and Farnham (MCB 29:8389-8399) and Y. Shang et. al. (Cell 103:843-852) wi[阅读全文]

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