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Quantitative Assessment of PML-RARa and BCR-ABL by Two Real-Time PCR Instruments
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 22:26
标签: Real Time PCR

摘要:由多个实验室参与、Roche赞助的、研究LigntCycler和ABI PRISM real-time PCR仪性能对比的论文,发表在2004年Clinical Chemistry上(2004;50:1088-1092),SCI IF 5.454点击下载a and BCR-ABL by Two Real-Time PCR Instrum[阅读全文]

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Quantitative PCR
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 22:23
标签: Quantitative PCR qPCR 实时荧光定量PCR

摘要:ABSTRACT Quantitative PCR involves co-amplification of two templates: a constant amount of a preparation containing the desired target sequence and varying amounts of a reference template. After ampli[阅读全文]

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