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AllPrep DNA/RNA 96 Kit

标签: 纯化 基因组DNA 总RNA

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• 以96孔板方式,从同一个细胞或组织样本中同时纯化基因组 DNA和总RNA

• 处理 96 个样本,只需不到60 分钟

• 从同一样本中纯化高品质的基因组DNA和总RNA

• 96孔板方式,高效的操作流程

• 高度标准化的操作流程

• 高重复性的DNA和RNA产量

Product description

The AllPrep DNA/RNA 96 Kit is well suited for high-throughput purification of genomic DNA and total RNA from up to 96 samples. DNA and RNA are simultaneously purified from each cell or tissue sample. Since there is no need to divide each sample into two for separate purification procedures, maximum yields of DNA and RNA can be achieved. The purified DNA and RNA are eluted separately and ready to use in any downstream application. The kit is also available in spin-column format for micro- and mini-sized samples.

Principle and procedure

A simple workflow allows the purification of high-quality DNA and RNA from the same sample (see flowchart). The 96-well purification plates of the kit are rapidly and conveniently processed using either a centrifuge (Centrifuge 4-15C and Plate Rotor 2 x 96) or a combination of vacuum (QIAvac 96) and centrifuge. Both cultured cells and easy-to-lyse tissues can be processed.

AllPrep DNA/RNA procedure.  A  With the AllPrep DNA/RNA 96 Kit, an AllPrep 96 DNA plate and RNeasy 96 plate are used in the procedure. With the AllPrep DNA/RNA Micro Kit and AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit, spin columns are used in the procedure.  B  AllPrep 96 DNA plate (left) and RNeasy 96 plate (right).


By allowing the analysis of DNA and RNA from the same sample, the AllPrep DNA/RNA 96 Kit is the ideal tool for sample preparation in genomics and systems biology. Efficient purification of high-quality DNA and RNA from different tissue types is achieved (see figures "Reproducible purification of DNA and RNA in 96-well format" and "High-quality DNA for reliable multiplex PCR analysis" and table "High-quality RNA from tissues"), and without the need for additional RNase or DNase digestion (see figure "RNA with no genomic DNA contamination").

Reproducible purification of DNA and RNA in 96-well format. Genomic DNA and total RNA were purified from mouse tissues using the AllPrep DNA/RNA 96 Kit.  A  Purified DNA samples were analyzed on a 0.8% agarose gel.  B  Purified RNA samples were analyzed on a 1.2% formaldehyde agarose gel. M: GelPilot Lambda HindIII Marker.

High-quality DNA for reliable multiplex PCR analysis. Genomic DNA was purified from mouse tissues using the AllPrep DNA/RNA 96 Kit. Six targets (195-1150 bp) were amplified by multiplex PCR and then analyzed on the QIAxcel system. Li: liver; Ki: kidney; Lu: lung; In: intestine; Sp: spleen; NTC: no template control (shows upper and lower markers).

Total RNA was purified using the AllPrep DNA/RNA 96 Kit and analyzed on the Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer. Intact RNA is indicated by a RIN value of close to 10.

RNA with no genomic DNA contamination. Total RNA was purified from rat kidney using the AllPrep DNA/RNA 96 Kit. Real-time RT-PCR analysis of the PGK1 transcript was performed using a primer-probe set that could amplify and detect both mRNA and genomic DNA sequences. The flat amplification plot for the no RT control (-RT) indicates the absence of genomic DNA.


The purified genomic DNA has an average length of 15-30 kb, depending on homogenization conditions, and is well suited for any application, including Southern, dot, and slot blot analyses, DNA methylation analysis, PCR, and multiplex PCR. The purified total RNA is ready to use in any application, such as RT-PCR, real-time RT-PCR, differential display, cDNA synthesis, Northern, dot, and slot blot analyses, and microarray analysis.

The kits form part of QIAGEN's solution for preparing multiple analytes from the same sample. These include Allprotect Tissue Reagent, which stabilizes DNA, RNA, and protein in tissues, and RNAprotect Cell Reagent, which stabilizes DNA and RNA in cells. Both reagents deliver immediate stabilization at room temperature. For tissues, the TissueRuptor and TissueLyser II provide fast disruption at low- to high-throughputs.

The AllPrep DNA/RNA 96 Kit is intended for molecular biology applications. This product is neither intended for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease, nor has it been validated for such use either alone or in combination with other products. 


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