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标签: siRNA Database and Design Tools

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siRNA Database

Searchable database of Silencer ™ Validated and Pre-designed siRNAs to >34,000 human, mouse, and rat targets. All siRNAs in the database have been designed for maximum potency and specificity using a well-tested, proprietary algorithm . And silencing results are guaranteed.

siRNA Target Finder

Find siRNA target sites in your mRNA of interest using the published recommendations of Tuschl and colleagues for siRNA design. Once identified, siRNA targets can be sent directly to one of the kit-specific design tools described below or subjected to a BLAST search by clicking on the appropriate link below the target of interest.

Silencer ™ siRNA Construction Kit Template Design Tool

Once the target sequence of your siRNA has been chosen, use this tool to determine the sequences of the sense and antisense siRNA oligonucleotide templates. The program adds "CCTGTCTC" (complementary to the T7 Promoter Primer supplied in the kit) to the 3' end of each oligonucleotide.

pSilencer ™ Expression Vectors Insert Design Tool

This tool generates hairpin siRNA-encoding DNA oligonucleotide inserts from an input siRNA target sequence. The program will add the loop sequence and overhangs for cloning as outlined in the vectors' Instruction Manuals.

Silencer ™ Express siRNA Expression Cassette Kits PCR Primer Design Tool

This tool generates template DNA oligonucleotide sequences from an input siRNA target sequence. Designs for both the "two-oligonucleotide" and "single-oligonucleotide" approach are displayed. These designs are generated using the loop, terminator and RNA polymerase promoter sequences described in the kits' Instruction Manual.



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