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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 22:51

摘要:Prior to Extractions ? Bake all necessary glassware, metal spatulas, mortars, and pestles overnight in a 200℃ oven afterwrapping them in aluminum foil. For each sample, you should minimally prepare on[阅读全文]

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MicroRNA and siRNA Cloning Protocol
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 22:49

摘要:MicroRNA and siRNA Cloning Protocol (UPDATED July 2005)[MIT]Bartel Lab, MITthis is a protocol about MicroRNA and siRNA Cloning Protocol collect from internet:http://web.wi.mit.edu/bartel/pub/protocols[阅读全文]

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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 22:48
标签: microRNA 简介

摘要:近些年来,人类发现了许多不同种类的RNA分子,其中最为重要的是小RNA分子的发现。有些小RNA分子 能直接调控某些基因的开关从而控制细胞的生长发育并决定细胞分化的组织类型。 本篇文章来源于网络,如有异议请联系我们,我[阅读全文]

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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 22:29
标签: Microsatellite Isolation 基因作图


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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-08 23:04
标签: MicroCT/显微CT/微焦点CT

摘要:1、【仪器名称】:MicroCT/显微CT/微焦点CT。2、【仪器型号】:vivaCT40。3、【生产厂家】:SCANCO Medical AG(瑞士)。4、【检测适用范围】:活体小动物、动物标本和组织工程材料,例如软组织、骨骼、牙齿、血管、支架和填充材料等,在肿瘤、骨[阅读全文]

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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-08 01:11
标签: 放射免疫分析 室内质量控制}质控图 自动处理

摘要:【摘要】用Microsoft Excel对RIA室内质量控制(IQC)中的多参数(高、中、低)质控血清数据进行全自动处理和全自动绘制室内质控图。在Microsoft Excel中:AVERAGE和STDEV分别自动计算出质控血清的x^-、s和CV%;应用PEARSON计算出[阅读全文]

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Microinjection DNA Purification
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:13
标签: Transgene Mice DNA Preparation

摘要:We have found the UltraClean™ GelSpin™ Kit (available from Mo Bio Laboratories, Catalog number 12400-250) is a simple and fast way to obtain microinjection quality DNA. This is not to excl[阅读全文]

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Microinjection of fertilized oocytes to produce transgenic animals
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:13
标签: Transgene Mice Embryo Transfer

摘要:完整的实验方法请点击下面的链接下载:05 Microinjection of fertilized oocytes to produce transgenic animals.pdf[阅读全文]

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Micropipette Bevelling
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-06 23:13
标签: Transgene Mice Embryo Transfer

摘要:This technique appeared as an article in Biotechniques, Vol.14, No.3, pp412-414. This article is a report by Kristian Gundersen, Theresa Hanley and John Merlie, on the use of micropipette bevelling to[阅读全文]

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