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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 23:20
标签: 基因克隆 感受态

摘要:方法一A液:1M,MnCl2: B液:1M,HEPES,pH=6.2-6.8,用无菌水配,配后不需灭菌; C液 称取CaCl2 0.10g,KCl 1.18g,全部转入细口试剂瓶,然后加入46ml三蒸水,轻轻振荡使所有组分充分溶解。将瓶塞盖上并用牛皮纸、棉线包扎,然后放[阅读全文:]

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Generation of uni-directional nested deletions in plasmid DNA
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 23:20

摘要:1) Digest DNA with two restriction enzymes such that one end is ExoIII susceptible (blunt or 5' overhang) and the other is ExoIII resistant (5' recessed). The ExoIII susceptible end should be such tha[阅读全文:]

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Fill-in Labeling of DNA : directional end label
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 23:20

摘要:http://axon.med.harvard.edu/~cepko/protocol/mike/F1.html This protocol was designed to generate directionally end-labeled probes for DNaseI footprinting but it can be used for any application that req[阅读全文:]

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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 23:20
标签: 基因定位 克隆

摘要:习惯上,人们用克隆 表示由同一物种具有相同基因型的两个或多个个体组成的群体。所以,从同一受精卵分裂而来的单卵双生子(monozygotic twins)便属于同一克隆 。细胞学上,克隆 是指由同一个祖细胞(progenitor cell)分裂而[阅读全文:]

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Viral RNA extraction-Molecular Biology
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 23:20
标签: extraction-Molecular

摘要: Dear friend,I facing a problem to extract viral RNA out from a formalin fixed, paraffin embended viral infected tissue. However after extraction, the ectracted RNA is either not pure (ratio 1.27-1.35[阅读全文:]

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Revised amino-allyl labeling protocol
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 23:20
标签: Revised amino-allyl labeling protocol

摘要: Pat Brown's Lab ,Department of Biochemistry and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute http://cmgm.stanford.edu/pbrown/protocols/amino-allyl.htmA. RT Reaction1. To anneal primer, mix 1-2 m g mRNA with 5[阅读全文:]

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Ethanol precipitation of DNA sequencing reactions
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 23:20

摘要:This clearly is an "old procedure revisited" but is extremely efficient because 1) the amount of resulting nested fragment set is at least 5 to 10 times more than obtained by Sephadex G-50 filtration [阅读全文:]

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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 23:20
标签: 基因重组 基因工程 DNA重组

摘要:DNA的重组 DNA Recombination一、同源重组发生在同源序列间的重组称为同源重组(homologous recombination),又称基本重组。是最基本的DNA重组方式,通过链的断裂和再连接,在两个DNA分子同源序列间进行单链或双链片段的交[阅读全文:]

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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 23:20
标签: 农杆菌

摘要:准备:1.灭菌 试管 400毫升细长烧杯2瓶,离心瓶4-6个(250ml)。2.试剂:YEP 1200ml(每瓶300ml 共4瓶) Kan 1;1000,Rif1:500。1/2MS 2%蔗糖(灭菌115度20分钟),Silwet在-20℃贮存。3.步骤:共转化农杆菌:于中午12点接菌于有YEP培[阅读全文:]

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Isopropanol precipitation - best time and temperature-M
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 23:20

摘要: Hi,does anyone know what is the best temperature and time for Isoprop precipitation of DNA? I usually do at room temperature and centrifuge immediately. Can I improve this? And would it matter if I k[阅读全文:]

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