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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 20:06
标签: 光合作用 基础知识 光合效率 农业生产

摘要:植物的干物质有90%~95%来自光合作用。因此在作物生产中,如何充分利用日光能进行光合作用就显得特别重要。一、光能利用率 据气象学研究,到达地球外层的太阳辐射平均能量为1.353kJ·m-2·s-1 。但由于大气中水[阅读全文:]

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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 20:06
标签: 光合作用 基础知识 原初反应


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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 20:06
标签: 光合作用 基础知识 研究历史


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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 20:06
标签: 光合作用 教学 简易实验

摘要:先取两个1 000 mL的玻璃烧杯,分别放人同样多的水草,再在两个烧杯里分别倒入适量同样多的水。取两个口径稍小于烧杯口径的短柄玻璃漏斗,分别倒置在两个烧杯中,再将两支口径大于漏斗柄的玻璃试管装满水,分别倒过来套在两[阅读全文:]

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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 20:06
标签: 光合作用 效率 措施


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In vitro growth of seedlings
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 20:06
标签: In vitro seedlings

摘要:sterilisation of seeds: rinse with 70% EtOH for 30 sec put in 1% bleach (sodium hypochlorite, supplemented by a few drops of Tween-20) for 5 min wash 2-4x with sterile H2O for 1 min plating and growth[阅读全文:]

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Pest Control
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 20:06
标签: Pest 昆虫

摘要:We use Dimilin G (4% diflubenzuron) from Maag AG to fight the small dipteran black flies (Trauermücken). It is a granular substance and sprinkled onto the soil when the plants show the first few [阅读全文:]

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MS Plant Tissue Culture Medium
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 20:06

摘要:Componentmg/l in MSmg/l in stockAmount forMS Macro I[阅读全文:]

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PCR from Tissue
词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 20:06
标签: PCR Tissue 组织

摘要:1.collect piece of tissue (e.g., pieces of a leaf or flower) in Eppendorf tube containing 40 ml 0.25 N NaOH 2.put in boiling H2O for 30 sec (optimum may need to be determined for each type of tissue, [阅读全文:]

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词条创建者:admin创建时间:12-09 20:06
标签: Crosses

摘要:1.weed out the plant pot, leave only about 3 to 8 tall and vigorous plants (in a regular 5 cm pot) 2.on an individual inflorescence, cut off all the opened flowers (older than stage 13), the youngest [阅读全文:]

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